Product under development, now seeking partners and investors.

Intellectual Property rights protected

Icon economical


2 in 1 product, security/privacy fence capable of generating power


Clean modern design that will surely ensure compliments fro your community


Easy to clean, easy to maintain. No services needed.


No rooftop damage, Greater Fire safety, provides an extra layer of protection to your property and belongings.


Dramatically Increases the scale of usage of photovoltaic solar technology by making solar a viable option where it wasn’t before


Natural heat-sink cooling features and shadow management system to optimize energy performance

Latest News

Solar Integrated is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund

The operation was selected for co-financing in the “Public tender for Incentives for the start-up of innovative companies 2020”.

The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the EU from the European Regional Development Fund ( in the amount of up to EUR 54,000.

The purpose of the public tender is to support companies that want to develop innovative products and start marketing them in domestic and foreign markets, and thus achieve higher added value and competitive advantage in the market, both in positioning end products in foreign markets and integrating into global value chains at different levels.

The implementation of the operation “SOLAR FENCE” means an exceptional opportunity to sell a product that addresses a still untapped market. The product enables the installation of a solar power plant even for those end users who could not install a solar power plant on the roofs of buildings due to an unsuitable roof or other reasons. The final product also represents an economic advantage, as the cost of installing the Solar Fence is lower than the total cost of installing a separate photovoltaic power plant on the roof and installing an aluminum fence around the building.

The investment in the development of the Solar Fence is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.

Solar Integrated sofinancirata Republika Slovenija in Evropska unija iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj

Operacija je bila za sofinanciranje izbrana na »Javnem razpisu Spodbude za zagon inovativnih podjetij 2020«.

Naložbo sofinancirata RS in EU iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj ( v višini do 54.000 EUR.

Namen javnega razpisa je podpreti podjetja, ki želijo razviti inovativne proizvode in jih pričeti tržiti na domačem in tujih trgih ter na ta način na trgu dosegati višjo dodano vrednost in konkurenčno prednost, tako pri pozicioniranju končnih produktov na tujem trgu, kakor tudi pri vključevanju v globalne verige vrednosti na različnih nivojih.

Izvedba operacije »SOLARNA OGRAJA« pomeni izjemno možnost prodaje izdelka, ki naslavlja še neobdelan trg. Izdelek omogoča vgradnjo sončne elektrarne tudi tistim končnim uporabnikom, ki zaradi neprimerne strehe ali drugih razlogov sončne elektrarne niso mogli vgraditi na strehe objektov. Končni izdelek predstavlja tudi ekonomično prednost saj je strošek postavitve Solarne Ograje nižji kot skupni strošek ločene vgradnje fotovoltaične elektrarne na streho ter postavitve  Aluminijaste ograje okoli objekta.

Naložbo v razvoj Solarne Ograje sofinancirata Republika Slovenija in Evropska unija iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj.

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Spletno stran in spletno trgovino sofinancirata Republika Slovenija in Evropska unija iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj v okviru Vavčerja za digitalni marketing.