Solar Integrated at the 59th “Home” Construction Fair in Ljubljana


Solar Integrated at the

59th “Home” Construction Fair in Ljubljana


Solar Integrated partnered with Enertec d.o.o.’s ‘Moja Elektrarna’ to jointly appear at Ljubljana’s 59th “Home” Construction Trade Fair to showcase the Solar Fence concept, while Enertec’s ‘Moja Elektrarna’ showcased their Solar carpark / overhang.

We’ve received valuable feedback.

The trade fair was attended by our main user groups, who’ve expressed vivid interest in our solution, especially noting:

  • The solution is very appropriate for homeowners whose roofs are inappropriately angled. positioned, or are in need of maintenance,
  • Some homeowners feel uneasy with putting a power plant on top of their living quarters,
  • For those homeowners who also need a fence, this can present a terrific opportunity to save money.

Our team had also payed close attention to certain drawbacks that users consider such as:

  • Large upfront costs of installing a power plant,
  • Too massive of a design

We are looking for more feedback !

In order to develop a better product, we invite you to fill out a short, 23 question survey that will help us better understand the needs of our user groups. Based on your answers, you may be eligible to conduct testing of the Solar Fence.

For more information about testing, write us at